The history of Aloe Vera

The aloë vera plant

The official name of the aloe variety used for a whole range of cosmetic and other applications is Aloe barbadensis Miller. The plant is called Aloe “vera,” with reference to the Latin “vera” meaning real or true. So aloe vera is the only true variety of the plant you should use. By the way, aloe in Greek means “bitter,” which refers to the taste of the juice.

How to take care of the aloe vera plant?

Aloe barbadensis Miller looks like a cactus, but belongs to the lily and onion family. In our regions, you can only keep it as a potted and/or houseplant. It feels good in a bright and sunny place and at normal room temperature. It absolutely cannot stand frost. Provide well-drained potting soil and do not overwater, especially in winter. In summer, you may fertilize the plant occasionally. In the regions of origin (North Africa, as well as South America, India and Southern Europe), the aloe vera develops bell-shaped yellow-orange flowers, but it is extremely rare.

Why aloe vera is so sought after....

Aloe vera has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects and increases resistance. The active ingredients quickly pass through all skin layers and have a soothing effect on allergic reactions.

The plant is therefore very widely used as an ingredient in skin creams of all kinds, but you can also drink the juice daily or apply the gel dripping from a cut leaf to your skin. Keep in mind that we use only the 100% pure aloe vera juice in our products and no diluted mixture. Diluted is much cheaper, but also has less results on the skin.

Therefore, choose only the best quality and take care of your skin with long-lasting results.

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